Sale Items
Butterfly essence $10
Little Heart Humbug $8.00
English Ivy $10
The Queen that was $3.00
Easter Flower $4.00
Spring witches $5.00
Love you $4.00
Hummingbird II $5.00
Bluebird Song $5.00
Two Hearts $3.00
Halloween Treehouse $8.00
Halloween Ribbons $7.00
Weird sisters cafe $6.00
Have a very scary day – $3.00
Halloween trio + Buttons $10
Deer in the spring wood $6.00
Fleur de Lis Biscornu $3.00
Flip flops by the sea biscornu $3.00
Hooked on knitting $8.00
Meeting the witch $8.00
Under the street light $$8.00
Watching the witch $8.00
Walk to the mailbox $3.00
Strawberry Shortcake $9.00
With cat for comforter$5.00
Sunbathing – $5.00
Quaker robins $5.00
Beets of my heart – $8.00
Burmese cat – $5.00
Dog stocking collection$6.00
Popular dogs Vol 2 $5.00
Crow Hill – $5.00
Quaker cardinal Quaker eagle – $5.00
Wild Rabbits $4.00
April View $5.00
Summer Roses $5.00
Summer Bellpull $6.00
Ming Orchids $5.00
Fir Tree Mountain $5
Thistles $6.00
Fraktur flower $7.00
Collina $9.00
Weaver $4.00
Hearts $10.00
Spring Heart $7.00
Home $4.00
For Weddings $3.00
Canada Geese$5.00
Black Sheep Redu + buttons and charms $20.00
Autumn feels for fall $4.00
Sheep and rabbit – $4.00
My fair lady – $7.00
Cats Fortune Teller $7.00
Perfect harmony$8.00
William and Bouquet $5.00
Spanish Hilltown III $49.00
Spanish Hill Town II $49.00
Spanish Hill Town I $49.00
Canada Geese – $8.95
Don Quixote – $13.00
Maidens Fair – $13.00
Golfers – $5.00
Rats! SALE $7.00
Love you still SALE $15.00
Bee-utiful $5.00
A Year in Flowers $25.00
Apple Mint tea
Shepherd of Veere 1790 $10.00
Tulip Dance $5.00
Strawberry Hill $15.00
My Beeloved Garden $10
Queen Bee $8.00
Stitch and drink wine $10.00
Fragments 2020 Economy$3.00
Fragments 2020 Harmony $3.00
Fragments 2020 #3 Industry $3.00
Fragments 2020 Serenity $3.00
Fragments 2020 #5 Prosperity 3.00
Fragments 2022 Heart $3.00
Snip Snip $6.00
Patchwork houses $7.00
Reel Expert $7.00
Kissing booth $7
Cross stitch is my happy place $7.00
Jingle Bell Cafe $7
Home is where the wreath is $5.00
Antique Bunnies and Baskets $5.00
Potted Posie Sampler $5.00
A Joyful Easter $5.00
Forever Friends $5.00
Love is the key $3.00
Keep calm and stitch $10.00
Summer 4 pack $5.00
Imagine Dream Believe $5.00
Thistle the Helian Coo $5
Anytime for Tea $5.00
Chatter-broth $5
Tea Time Sewing Set $21.00
Tea time $5
Tea Time $12.00
Les Amis du Pere Noel $5.00
Holly tree $3.00
Seas and Greetings $7.00
Jingles the Penguin $7.00
Noel $4
Peace Tree ornament $3
Silent night $4.00
Frosty Grants $4.00
CT 91 $10.00
Christmas Peace $5.00
Christmas Sleigh ride $3.00
Don’t Peek $10
Frosty Snowflake $10.00
Winter friends $7
German Santa $8.00
My Stitchy Things $5.00
Brings Joy $10.00
Amongst the Crows $10.00
Armadillo $5.00
Sharing the Christmas story $3.00
Not so wicked witch $3.00
Little girl with Teddy $3.00
Tree in the square $4.00
Hanging the stocking Boy $3.00
Girl jumping rope $3.00
Skate boarder $3.00
Soccer Player $3.00
Baseball player $3.00
Backyard sailor $3.00